Match Report

today's match is sponsored by Caternet

Match Report

Match Report
It is a thoroughly wet and miserable day here at St Marys Stadium where Southampton play host to Tottenham Hotspur. A crowd of 17,994 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
Both Southampton and Tottenham Hotspur are lined up in a 3-4-3 formation.

Southampton kick off the first half!
Guilherme Fonseca controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Jørgen Myssing. Jørgen Myssing knocks in a cross ball towards Igor Korneev. Igor Korneev is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal. It's a goal!! What a beauty!
Guilherme Fonseca takes it forward alone. Guilherme Fonseca goes all the way! Guilherme Fonseca tries a spectacular strike. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
Jean-Michel Crucet makes a simple pass to Bruno Bernal. Bruno Bernal goes all the way! Bruno Bernal shoots from just inside the box. What a cracker!! Peter Okon had no chance!! Goal for Southampton!
Camilo Sotelo passes the ball forward to Mohammed Gyan. Mohammed Gyan passes the ball forward to Thiago Araújo. Thiago Araújo plays a perfect one-two with Bruno Bernal and rushes in on goal... Thiago Araújo cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal but Peter Okon is on top of it.
Camilo Sotelo hits it upfield. Bruno Bernal knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Mauricio Vera.
Camilo Sotelo passes the ball forward to Amedeo Perra. Amedeo Perra makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Nigel Batty. Nigel Batty shoots from outside the area but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Dmitri Yanowski makes a simple pass to Jørgen Myssing. Jørgen Myssing knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Steffen Berg who gathers it comfortably.
Guilherme Fonseca sees a break and surges forward. Guilherme Fonseca whips in a cross ball towards Jørgen Myssing. Jørgen Myssing is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal. It's there!! Steffen Berg has to pick the ball from the back of the net!
Dmitri Yanowski knocks the ball to his team mate, Haukur Ingólfsson. Haukur Ingólfsson lofts in a cross ball towards Jørgen Myssing. Jørgen Myssing powers a header at goal. Steffen Berg easily smothers it.
Mohammed Gyan makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Nigel Batty. Nigel Batty deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Thiago Araújo but the linesman indicates offside!
Dmitri Yanowski barges into Amedeo Perra. The referee reaches into his pocket ... it's a yellow card! Amedeo Perra hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Guilherme Fonseca knocks the ball to his team mate, Jørgen Myssing. Jørgen Myssing goes all the way! Jørgen Myssing takes a shot at goal. It's there!! Steffen Berg has to pick the ball from the back of the net!
The whistle indicates the end of the first half!

Tottenham Hotspur kick off and get the second half underway!
Aatos Arctopolitanus makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Guilherme Fonseca. Guilherme Fonseca makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Haukur Ingólfsson. Haukur Ingólfsson knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Ronnie Meram.
Christian Lensing controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Mohammed Gyan. Mohammed Gyan controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Bruno Bernal. Bruno Bernal shoots from long range but it flies wide!
Mohammed Gyan knocks the ball to his team mate, Bruno Bernal. Bruno Bernal plays a perfect one-two with Nigel Batty and rushes in on goal... Bruno Bernal rockets a shot on goal but it flies wide!
Camilo Sotelo hacks Igor Korneev from behind! The referee calls over Camilo Sotelo and warns him to calm down! Igor Korneev grimaces as he struggles to run off the knock.
Amedeo Perra chips the ball to his team mate, Bruno Bernal. Bruno Bernal plays a perfect one-two with Thiago Araújo and rushes in on goal... Bruno Bernal rockets a shot on goal. It curls slightly but Peter Okon manages to gather it comfortably.
Alejandro Romero advances with the ball. Alejandro Romero shoots from distance but he balloons it over the crossbar!
Jean-Michel Crucet hacks Luis Van Himst from behind! Jean-Michel Crucet is warned by the referee! Luis Van Himst grimaces as he struggles to run off the knock.
Guilherme Fonseca makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Igor Korneev. Igor Korneev shoots from 25 yards but it is miles over!
Luis Van Himst makes a simple pass to Igor Korneev. Igor Korneev shoots from outside the area. Steffen Berg easily smothers it.
Mauricio Vera makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Dmitri Yanowski. Dmitri Yanowski controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Igor Korneev. Igor Korneev shoots from 20 yards but he balloons it over the crossbar!
Diego Venegas makes a probing pass to Arnar Gudjohnsen. Arnar Gudjohnsen surges forward with the ball. Arnar Gudjohnsen lofts in a cross ball towards Haukur Ingólfsson. Haukur Ingólfsson is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal but it is tipped over by Steffen Berg.
Ronnie Meram hacks Haukur Ingólfsson from behind! Ronnie Meram is shown the yellow card! Haukur Ingólfsson runs off the knock.
Aatos Arctopolitanus kicks a strong pass forward to Arnar Gudjohnsen. Arnar Gudjohnsen chips the ball to his team mate, Jørgen Myssing. Jørgen Myssing knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Guilherme Fonseca deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Haukur Ingólfsson. Haukur Ingólfsson plays a perfect one-two with Igor Korneev and rushes in on goal... Haukur Ingólfsson rockets a shot on goal but Steffen Berg is on top of it.
Camilo Sotelo controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Alejandro Romero. Alejandro Romero sees a break and surges forward. Alejandro Romero deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Nigel Batty but the linesman indicates offside!
Dmitri Yanowski hacks Jean-Michel Crucet from behind! Dmitri Yanowski is shown his second yellow card!! He leaves the field in disgrace!! Jean-Michel Crucet stretches but gets up unharmed.
Arnar Gudjohnsen kicks a strong pass forward to Haukur Ingólfsson. Haukur Ingólfsson plays a perfect one-two with Igor Korneev and rushes in on goal... Haukur Ingólfsson makes some space for himself and shoots at goal but Steffen Berg is on top of it.
Mohammed Gyan controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Thiago Araújo. Thiago Araújo shoots from 20 yards but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
The referee blows the final whistle

The man of the match was awarded to Guilherme Fonseca of Tottenham Hotspur

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 1 vs 4
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 3 vs 9
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 5 vs 2
Offsides: 3 vs 0
Fouls: 3 vs 2
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 1

Possession: 46.9879518072289 vs 53.0120481927711
Play Area
Home team third: 31.33%, Midfield: 44.58%, Away team third: 24.10%